Worked with this Indian girl at Twickers a few weeks ago. Really pretty. Good girl. Spent some time chatting with her with no intention of asking her out. Nevertheless we added each other on facebook or rather I added her on facebook and we talked for a while thereon. She went back to wherever for her Uni and I didn't hear from her ever since.
Come this Saturday for the Kiwi game, I see her queuing up for her Signing in on a level below my floor. I was in the lift and I just had a quick glance, she did too and in that brief 3 second period, I waved at her and asked her to come up and she waved back "ok, call me!". Brilliant I thought. Hence as soon as a I got on my desk, I called the floor manager downstairs and asked him to send her up to me and promised him some really pretty replacements.
Here's how it went...
Alok: Hey man, do me a massive favour, you should have this girl XYZ in your staff queue. Send her upstairs and I'll send you the hottest girl that comes to me.
Y: Umm what's her name? How does she look like..?
A: XYZ...Indian girl, long hair...you'll notice.
Y: Ahh, hey ..(Chitter chatter)...Mate, she says she doesn't want to come coz she's got her friend with her.
A: Nah it's alright, send both of em' and I'll send you 2 girls. Like for like replacement.
Y: ...(Chitter chatter)...nah mate she says no she doesn't want to come. Sorry!
A: (BUMP)! Alright thanks! Bye..
I have no idea what happened there but it was shocking. I hadn't in the slightest thought of that. I tried to ignore it and concentrate on the job ahead but it kept on playing at the back of my mind. It really bamboozled me.
I went downstairs midway through the day to have a chat with "Y" and see what he had to say. I met him and he started laughing. He said "Mate, she said she doesn't want to work with you today or next week. She even said to me that you have no chance with her. Forget about her man!" I was like, wtf! I was feeling so low because this was totally random. I had no intentions of getting into her pants neither did I protrude any behaviour to suggest the same. The way we chatted for over an hour when we first met all but suggested that she thought I was a funny guy and she kind of took me as a nice guy! So when I heard of all this, it obviously meant she was pretending to be nice to me just because I was a manager and inside she was just waiting for me to fuck off. It pissed me off and I just decided to not give a fuck and walk straight off.
When I went home, I was kind of taken aback when I saw her facebook post on my wall quite early in the morning asking me if I was working that day at Twicks. I was wondering if she didn't want to talk or work with me why the hell would she ask me that?
Hence I decided to msg her on facebook and clear off any misunderstanding. I let her know I have no intentions of hitting on her and I was really surprised she said all of that to "Y".
She replied back instantly, saying she didn't say any of that and the way she said it was reverted back to me in a totally wrong way. Obviously, the guy wanted to keep her on his floor and she said some really nice things. Made my day!
Hence proven, Guys are dickheads!
And the biggest of them all is "Y".
Time for REVENGE! Wait for Part 2 to this post..;)
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