It was a unusual day on friday (19th May). I was studying at night which is rare but yeah I was. I was continously studying for almost 7 past nights for almost 5 to 6 hrs till morning for my assignment which I was supposed to submit on 24th. So on that friday night, I was trying to find a very rare song on da net which led me to download a software. After installing that software, my machine freezed and after few futile attempts to make it steady again, I restarted it. But later it just couldn't restart. It was a system crash which wasn't somefin new to me. I tried repairing it but after trying in vain for almost 3 hours, I realised that it wasn't just that. Even da so called genius Mr. Satyajeet couldnt help me in it so I figured out that the problem was grave. Yeah I lost all my data, all my assignments, all my hard work. I had taken too much pain for da first time since my 10th grade for this assignment. I am quite famous for starting to study one or two days before the examz (A one day innings). But this time as my machine fucked up, I also realised that Test matches isn't really my ball game. cost me frekkin 3 days of my job to re-do both of my assignments again. Though I submitted da assignment on time, it wasn't the best of my work.
But after I finished my submissions, I realised something really strange. I knew that computers formed a very important part of my life but this revelation was something different. For da days after my submission, the shops were closed due to saturday Sunday holidays and bank holidays n various other reasons so I couldn't fix my lappy for the next 5 tp 6 days. Those days were like the longest days of my life. I couldn't really do anything. I didnt know how someone utilises his time without computers. It made me unbearably restless for the first two days. But then how important these new things are in my life? I spent time by reading my Management books which I surprisingly found out to be quite interesting. I started watchin shows on the Teli which were good though I found many to be mindnumbingly stupid but atleast I knew that there is much more on da teli than Football matches. I also got a lot of time to call my family and friends who were shocked to see me call them on my own. (they are the ones who call me n I seldom call them once in two months. I know thats so sick but there you go...thats me). Me being totally devoid of internet connection made me recieve many mails from my rather supportive friends
askin if I was ok as they didnt see me online or on orkut since many days. These reactions were making me realise that I am so much attached to internet and this new frekkin habbits like orkut and online gaming n all. There is more to life than just internet and computers I thought. I made up my mind that I am not gonna spend much time on orkut or yahoo or gamespy or whatever. I also prayed one day. Recited da Ganapti Stotra which even must've stunned da almighty. I felt a real sense of pleasure, calmness & satisfaction for once. Though da most important thing I was missing was my Music. I felt really sad for losing my awesome collection, But I thought anyways, I've learnt a lot from this experience. I am gonna improve on it. I made
a resolution to avoid being on da net and spend more time reading, thinking, hangin out, calling my family n friends, Study, pray, etc etc. Now came the 1st of June. I decided to fix my baby now. I took her to many shops where I found out da prices to fix her were totally impossible for me to bear. Even more than the price of da new HDD. So I took a gamble, purchased a new HDD and fixed my lappy all by myself. I was so happy when it made the first WINDOWS LOGON SOUND. Now after trying to keep up wid my resolution, I have realised that nothing can stop me from doing what I used to do. FREAK OUT ON DA NET! COMPUTERS are my toys and I cant stay from it. Internet is my oxygen without which I can't live. All those things which I decided I should be doing have taken a back seat. But hell man, why should someone do what he doesnt wanna do and why should someone stop doing what he loves doing? Whats so bad in staying online anyways? When people ask me why da hell r u online all da time, I dont really know what to answer. Whats bad in staying connected anyways? It really irritates me. When You have a 1 MB connection, unlimited download, a good lappy, lots of time, do you expect me to shut down my machine and spend watching fuckall shows on da teli or go out and hang out wid da nigs who one day would kill me for one or da otha reason. Fuck man I dont give a horses ass about what poeple think. If I care so much about what everyone thinks, my trasformation would again be back to da old lame alok! So I am happy with what I am and what I do. If anyone has a problem, prove it me that its somefin wrong that I am doing or just go rot in hell!!!!!