11 November 2008

Respect the women

OK, so probably I have to rant a little bit now. Maybe it would sound wtf-u-talking-about kind of trash but I deserve to rant after being shut for all this while. So, what is the reason for my haranguing?
Well, I am working at this place called the England's Home of Rugby. For more knowledgeable ones - Twickenham. I am assigned to work with a bunch of Mauritian boys. 20 of them to be precise. The guys are all your typical next door horny males. So we were working a few days ago when for the first time, we had a girl who came to work along with us. She was an insanely good looking Indian-African kinda girl with absolutely fit body and hair to die for. But that was it.
The way she caused commotion amongst the boys was absolutely sensational. More than sensational, it was immoral. The poor soul was leeched at all day long by the guys as if she was a toy on the chimneypiece. And she did not seem to be a bit distracted by it even though she noticed everyone staring at her. The look on everyone's face was as if they had all been stuck on an deserted island without a woman for years and they were ready to nail this chick down. It was hilarious at one point.
But, the funniest part is, the way they stared at her. If you had shown her head shot to them after a few days, they most probably wouldn't have recognised her but if you had given a picture of her from head below, they would've immediately recognised her. The sexually-driven stare was insane. Once even I was caught having a quick stare I agree but it was a bit awkward & I with all honesty did not intend to look at her.
The fact is If you go with the quick look, you just feel the awkwardness and it means you either felt weird she caught you staring at her which means you were having weird thoughts or being creepy, or it says you are loser and you are embarrassed to admit that you were caught staring. Either ways, you have to just extend the stare and see what happens next.

Its more about the intention behind the stare than the stare itself. Why are women just looked upon as a sex object than anything else. There is more to a woman than her body. Yes call me an idiot but that's the truth. You cant be just looking at the "prized assets" when you are talking with a beautiful girl. But then how would you know if she beautiful, because you weren't even looking at her face. There is nothing good or beautiful in this world as someone has said, the beauty of a thing lies in your ability to appreciate it.

The question is, why is it that men always think of sex 24 x 7. No I am as straight as the hair on my chest and I do think about sex as much as I think about football. But the difference is, not all the time. There is a limit to everything. I've seen so many guys who would fuck a doll in the middle of the night even when they r half asleep. It is crazy. There are so many things better than sex. Ok, not better but, as good as it. How about a hot plate of onion bhajji when its raining cats n dogs. Or how about a cuppa when its freezing your bollocks out. How about coming home all disappointed and knackered from work and your baby boy or girl runs upto you and holds you in their cuppy arms. For them you are not the same loser as you might be out of the house or in the office. Isn't that as good as it gets? Try staying 3 years in longevity away from your family and friends, the faces you dream to be with, the people you want to dine n wine with, try meeting them for the first time after all those years. I will sacrifice a thousand nights of sex for such occasions. OK, make it hundred...or less. But you got the point.

But you know what, a dude has second thoughts, as always. And I have second thoughts. Not that I doubt what I have scribbled but I love being sure. Is really sex the best thing ever or is it not? Lemme double check just to be hundred percent sure. Honey...shall we..

Just to prove my point to all the guys who are crying foul over reading this post, stare at the above image long enough, and you will see a waterfall. ;)


Anonymous said...

Lee Here
Spot On Man. Most Men are like that but thats jus the way it is. Women are seen more as objects than actual people with personalities. Jus brea, pussy and ass is what the guys think bout not all but most.

*Saar* said...

Saw ur blog today and read what u asked me to.....
If u look at every situation in life it has multi Aspects, it just depends from which angle you view it!!